Data Analysis

This menu controls how data regarding the image is displayed.
Depending on your selection, the High and Low gain images will be
replaced by either a profile analysis tool or a histogram analysis

There are multiple options for data analysis using this menu. There
are two formats and three area selection tools for each. One can
also decide to not use any of those and only display the full image

Selecting None will do just that, all other analysis panels will be
removed and only the histogram representing the full image will be
displayed on the left side of the screen. To retrieve high and low
gain images on the left panel, see "Three Windows" under Display
Under Profile Analysis are the options for displaying data in a profile view.
"Row & Column Analysis" allows selection of a row and a column of the image and their profiles are displayed
on the right.
"Region Analysis" allows selection of a rectangular region for analysis.
"Single Line Analysis" allows the user to draw a single line from any two points and view the profile of that

Under Histogram Analysis are similar options.
"Row & Column Analysis" produces histograms for a selected row and column.
"Region Analysis" produces a histogram for a selected area of the image.
"Single Line Analysis" provides a histogram for a line connecting any two selected points in an image.

To select the rows, columns, areas or lines for any of the previously mentioned operations, right click on the image
and move the cursor. The selection will appear as a red line.
For "Row & Column," two perpendicular red lines intersecting at the cursor represent the row and column that
will be analyzed.
For "Region," a red rectangle will be displayed and the section of the image inside the rectangle is that which
will be analyzed.
For "Single Line," a red line will be drawn from the point where you first right click, to the location where you
release. This line will be the section analyzed.
Finger Lakes Instrumentation
200 Tech Park Drive
Rochester NY 14623 USA
Phone: 585-624-3760
©2024 Finger Lakes Instrumentation