What are the major differences between using FLIPilot with CCD and CMOS cameras?
Frequently Asked Questions
Grab modes. Flood and RBI Flush do not apply to CMOS cameras. Flood and RBI flush are solutions to CCD ghosting issues.
Hardware binning. Binning for CCD Interline and Full frame sensors can be in odd combinations such as 1x2, 1x3, 3x1, etc. Binning is available in CMOS only as squares such as 2x2. The sensor in the KL400 does not support hardware binning.
Background Flush. The default status is Background flush = on. For CCDs flush can be turned off. For CMOS sensors, flush cannot be turned off: it is always on.
Pixel Depth is not available with KL400.
How can I Increase the imaging frame rate?
Reduce the size of the image. This can be from a single reduced ROI selection, or from selecting multiple vertical image bands that are wanted, allowing unwanted vertical rows to be skipped. 
Use LDR mode as it nearly halves the duration of a line read compared to HDR mode.
Use High Frame Rate Settings. By increasing the number of rows to skip, the overall time spent reading is decreased, thus increasing frame rate.
Not for KL400: Reduce the camera's resolution by binning or by changing the pixel depth format. This lower resolution maintains the field of view while speeding up download time; a useful feature when centering objects. Make changes to the binning and pixel depth parameters from the Imaging Parameters/Sensor tab.
How can I increase download time?
For models that support hardware binning (excludes KL400): Reduce the camera's resolution by binning or by changing the pixel depth format. This lower resolution maintains the field of view while speeding up download time; a useful feature when centering objects. Make changes to the binning and pixel depth parameters from the Imaging Parameters/Sensor tab. Download time can be increased as indicated above for achieving higher frame rates.
Under some circumstances, the data rate achievable on USB 3 can be a limiting factor. If this is the case, then changing to optical fiber can reduce download time and increase frame rate. Also be sure that both the cable and the port on your computer are SuperSpeed compatible.
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