Filter Wheel Settings
Controls the rotation schedule of the filter. The following options allow configuration of the automatic rotation.
The filter wheel will not rotate automatically.
•Rotate Once Per Grab
The filter wheel will rotate one position after an image grab.
•Rotate Pattern
The wheel will increment the given number of positions after each grab. A pattern can be written here, in which
case the filter wheel will be incremented based on a comma delimited pattern. Ex) 0,1,3, will not increment the
filter after the first grab, then increment once after the second grab, then three times after the third, and the
pattern will repeat as such.
Finger Lakes Instrumentation
200 Tech Park Drive
Rochester NY 14623 USA
Phone: 585-624-3760
©2024 Finger Lakes Instrumentation

Filter Wheel
The dropdown menu will display any connected filter wheels
available for use. Select the desired wheel to configure its

Current Filter
Displays the current position of the filter wheel.

Increment Filter Wheel
This button will increment the filter position by one.