Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm Astro Images




The images on this page were taken using FLI Equipment at Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm

IC1275 ProLine PL3041
NGC3576 Taken with ProLine PL3041

ProLine PL4240 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

IC1275 - 40,40,50 min. RGB with 5min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

ProLine PL3041 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC3576 - 50,50,50 min SII,Ha,OIII

- Wolfgang Promper

M16 Taken with ProLine PL3041
M17 Taken with ProLine PL3041

ProLine PL3041 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

M16 - 50, 50, 50 min SII,Ha,OIII with 10min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

ProLine PL3041 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

M17 - 50, 50, 50 min SII,Ha,OIII with 10min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

NGC3521 Taken with Proline PL16803
NGC6589 Taken with ProLine PL3041

ProLine PL3041 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC3521 - 150, 40, 40, 50 min. LRGB 5min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

ProLine PL3041 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC6589 - 40, 40, 50 min. RGB with 5min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

NGC6589 Taken with ProLine PL3041
NGC6589 Taken with ProLine PL3041

ProLine PL16803 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

Dark cloud in Sharpless 2-27 - 40, 35, 10, 40, 40 min. HALRGB

- Gerald Rhemann

ProLine PL16803 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC5367 - 150, 40, 40, 50 LRGB 10min. subs

- Wolfgang Promper

NGC6726 Taken with ProLine PL16803
NGC5139 Taken with ProLine PL16803

ProLine PL16803 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC6726 - 180, 40, 40, 50 min. LRGB

- Wolfgang Promper

ProLine PL16803 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC5139 - 40, 40, 40 min. RGB

- Wolfgang Promper

IC4592 Taken with ProLine PL16803
NGC6559 Taken with ProLine PL4240

ProLine PL16803 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

IC4592 - 55, 30, 20, 50 min. LRGB

- Gerald Rhemann

ProLine PL4240 | CFW-5-7 | FLI Research Grade Filters

NGC6559 - 40, 24, 24, 40 min. LRGB

- Gerald Rhemann