Tool Settings and Sequencing
Finger Lakes Instrumentation
200 Tech Park Drive
Rochester NY 14623 USA
Phone: 585-624-3760
©2024 Finger Lakes Instrumentation

The upper portion of the Tool Settings and Sequencing panel provides the options necessary to create, save, and restore setting profiles. The profiles defined by this portion of the panel are used in the lower portion of the panel, where Setting Sequences are managed.

Save Current Settings As Default
This button saves the current imaging parameters settings as the “default” set, after which, those settings will be set on each startup of FLI Pilot.

Repopulate with Default Settings
This button loads the saved default set to make it the current set. Note: This function will load the default settings as defined by Save Current Settings As Default, and will not restore the factory default settings.

Repopulate with Factory Default Settings
This button will load the factory default settings profile.

Save Settings As

Enter a name for the current setting profile in the adjacent text box, and press this button to add that profile to the list of saved profiles. After being saved, the profile will be seen in the drop down menus adjacent to Restore Settings and Add Settings.

Restore Settings

Use the drop-down list to select the name of the profile you want to restore then click this button to update the FLI Pilot settings to that of the selected profile. Clicking the X in the drop down list will delete the profile from memory.