Frame Slide Show

The Frame Slide Show feature allows you to review captured frames in order as if they were in a slide show. You can view the frames in either newest-to-oldest or oldest-to-newest order using the keyboard arrow keys or clicking the cursor on the new-old scroll bar. The currently displayed frame is identified by the numeric in the list index field, which also allows you to enter a value to display a specific frame.
The maximum Available Frame Count is defined by the “Max Frames Kept in Memory (50 Max) value on the Camera Control panel. Hence, capturing 10 frames with a value of 5 in the “Max Frames Kept in Memory” field will result in only five available frames in the slide show.
Available Frame Count
The number of frames currently held in memory as set in Max Frames Kept.

Metadata Frame Number
The frame number stored in the metadata of the current frame.

Current Frame List Index
The index in the list of frames.

New - Old
From newest to oldest, the list of frames held in memory.

Run Show and Slider
Run Show controls which frame will be displayed from the list of frames in memory. The slider determines the
rate at which the frames are present. Left is quicker, right is slower.
Finger Lakes Instrumentation
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Rochester NY 14623 USA
Phone: 585-624-3760
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